Wednesday, July 30, 2014

life. a four-letter word.

          life.  the four-letter word that just happens.  every.  single.  day.   with the best intentions of starting this blog 6 months ago, well maybe 8 but who's counting, life has happened.  a beautiful, messy, chaotic, blessed beyond words life.  the intentions of a new form of communication have always been on my 'to do' list.  as is that huge pile of laundry, but it doesn't always happen to get done in a timely manner.  with the summer slowing down and the start of school on the horizon, i feel this is the time.  life isn't going to slow down.  life will not wait for me.  life needs to be grabbed and captured, as long as i can run fast enough to keep up.  
          so, what does this all mean?  it means i am human.  i am far from perfect and i am far from having loads of free time to sit.  to be still.  the goal of this blog is to reach out to my clients, my friends, and my family in a different format.  i have blogged before and loved it.  and hated it.  i will not promise the meaning of life will be revealed to you here, just a sharing of beautiful moments that i am capturing of that four-letter, as it happens.  with that said,  please join me in a few laughs, a few tips, maybe some fun prizes, and a look into life.  
life.  it is a four-letter word but a beautiful one that is worth capturing.    

what has life brought you today?

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